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Extracurricular Activities
In the beginning of every academic year parents and children are overwhelmed with a choice of different extracurricular activities, both...

Research: Grade 5 students
In 2011 Dr. Annette Martins conducted a test on a Grade 5 class in special education. The 19 students were assessed by an independent...

Multiple Intelligences
Traditional IQ tests don't measure how smart you are. Rather, it measures how strong you are academically in certain aspects. It is also...

The War of the Hands
With the ongoing battle regarding handedness – it might be wise to put the issue at rest with right hand usage privy from the history...

Assessment & scholastic decisions
Is your child ready for assessment and scholastic decisions? Candice’s educational assessments began in pre-school with an interview and...

Dr. Martins on CAPS Radio
Katleho Mogale talks to Dr. Annette Martins about genetic brain profiling and its benefits to learners, teachers, and parents. Did you...

The Anatomy of Stress
All of us experience stress on a daily basis. But do you know how it affects your brain? Let me start by explaining what stress is. The...

Which Disney Princess are you?
Every little girl dreams of being a Disney princess and everyone has their own favourite. Luckily the princesses agreed to have their...

Genetic Brain Profiling: An Introduction
An overview of what Genetic Brain Profiling is and the benefits it holds for all the different age groups from as young as three years....

Romeo & Juliet or Cinderella & Prince Charming?
Hello Everyone, Do you remember the book Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus (John Gray, May 1992)? While I don’t necessarily agree...
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